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March 01, 2005


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I am definitely a skeptic when it comes to all of these limited time offer, 5 minute special deals, but as far as the NU Fit, I am pretty sure the premise is not for people to be able to buy those shoes that are too small for them but rather to help out those who have shoes that have become uncomfortable or that seemed to fit at the time of purchase but just don't feel as good once you walk some distance in them. I am a female and I suffer from the problem of having large feet. NU fit is a prime product for someone in my position. I have a pair of shoes now that were sold and seemed to fit properly, but once I tried to walk more than 10 minutes in them, I knew they wouldn't work. They are only tight in one spot and this stretcher seems like a good option. I am pretty sure there are lots of people in my postion who find that shoes don't always fit the same way forever and that, for women with larger sizes, it is hard enough to find a good pair of shoes in your size let alone finding them in half or whole size increases. Just as with many products, I don't think the NU fit wants you to make silly decisions like buying shoes far too small just to try to stretch them out, but rather to help improve shoes that you already have.

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