A great article by Jason at Evolutionblog about how ID proponents like William Dembski “routinely quote scientists out of context in order to distort their intended meaning”. As well as debunking Dembski, the article gives a good explanation of why the Cambrian Explosion is not a problem for evolution.
It’s worth being reminded how ID proponents need to lie to make their case. Or as Jason concludes:
The next time you read someone whining about the strong rhetoric from people on my side of this issue, think about this case. Then think about whether maybe it's perfectly reasonable to refer to the major proponents of ID as frauds and liars.
OK, thought about it. It is.
"Think about this case" means "don't think about it, just trust us to know what's best for you."
Posted by: Ron Zeno | May 03, 2005 at 11:31 AM
What do you get when you think about it.
Posted by: Skeptico | May 04, 2005 at 01:43 PM