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June 20, 2005


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The fact that some "psychic readings" turned out to be total bogosity does not logically infer that all "psychic readings" are bogus.

While I have no idea whether psychic "remote viewing" works or doesn't, it is not possible to completely dismiss (or validate) the technique based on a small number of examples, especially given the large amount of scammery and general buffoonorousness associated with the psychics and their supposed supernatural abilities.

That's the basic problem with the whole genre of psychic phenomena. Because they are generally untestable, it is generally impossible to have a logically consistent but absolute opinion about them one way or another.

Oh yes, please disregard the taxi driver sitting at the light watching the plane take off that saw and heard the explosion before the plane went down.
The reason? It was a lesson to the people in that area not to talk about what they saw at WTC. The area where the plane went down was also the area that lost the most police and firefighters. You know the ones that said that fire doors were locked and that they heard explosions coming from inside and below them while they were in the stair wells.

Uh, huh. You're a bunch of slow learners just like the people in Pennsylvania. There was all the talk of the white aircraft just before flight 91 was "shot" down. Well they had that little incident only 10 miles away where those fellows were stuck underground until the "government" showed them where to drill. Never mind that there was an mp3 file on an official FFA site in Michigan that had the voice recording of the two other pilots that saw fight 91 get shot down.

Don't discount the truth because it is too hard to accept. Yes remote viewing is real. It is the only true threat to the US government and the local alien population.

Oh wow, and unverifiable anecdote. Of course, if a taxi driver heard a bang then psi must be real. You have totally convinced me.

One question still nags me, Mr You. Since the government developed this amazing remote viewing technology before they gave it away to PsiTech, how come they can’t use it to find bin Laden?

Since the government developed this amazing remote viewing technology before they gave it away to PsiTech, how come they can’t use it to find bin Laden?

Careful, he might find your lack of faith disturbing. *chokes*

How come you don't do a piece on 9/11. There are so many conspiracy theories going around...why not take a side and investigate your view on things?

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