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June 08, 2005


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The body's "natural detox system" works fine as long as the toxic input does not exceed the body's ability to eliminate the toxins.
Fasting is the most effective way for the body to be able to "catch up" with its designed efficiency to promote natural health.
The "Western Consumer Cosmology" is designed to always "put something into ourselves" (to consume) to heal our ailments. As a result, "fasting" is counter-productive to capitalism and the fear-based-strangle-hold that the medical profession has on the public.
There are presently over 100,000 chemicals, (in the past 50 years), that have been introduced into our environment and food chain. The collective efect of these alien substances is, gradually, devastating.
The handicapped ramp and obesity are now the symbols of western culture.
The solution is to simply stop, as best as we can, putting rubbish into our bodies. The immediate solution for the acutely ill is a supervised fast. The long term solution is "conscious eating" and the elimination of social glutony as a consuming passion.
If you have aches and pains, mood swings, negative emotion, chronic illness, etc., you can bet your life that a brief fast will correct many of your ailments.
A fast supported by detoxifying herbs is even better.
Many will be amazed to discover the powerful healing powers of nature. The body requires quality raw materials to do its work. A constant supply of unnatural-chemical-laced highly processed foods gradually takes its toll on our good health.
50% of you (statistics) are permanently taking chemical based prescribed medications. Ever wonder why?

john charles webb jr:

Re: Fasting is the most effective way for the body to be able to "catch up" with its designed efficiency to promote natural health. etc etc

An interesting claim. Can you back it up with any evidence?

Evidence? What's that?

One of my pet hates is that "toxin" = "generic poison" (rather than "biologically-produced poison") is creeping into mainstream terminology. See, for instance, Toxins study shocks family.

I don't know why it has to be BBC always. I have found one or two mistakes though.

i think detox always works...

Cool userr. What makes you think that?

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