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June 14, 2005


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Outstanding! I can't wait to hear their response.

their mistake was to be so precise, if they had left it much more vague, they could be claiming, they were right.

I love it. Let us know what their response is.

If they played it right they could locate the girl, take Randi's million, amend their earlier "smart" blunder and enhance their company's credibility all in one remote viewing. I'm guessing however, that the enlightened ones are much too pure in heart to consider such base prospects.

Just a note. That Miraclist character who commented in response to our "Calling All Psychics" post has "retracted" her predictions about Natalee Holloway (although she maintains that they are still true), and she has blamed Skeptico and the Two Percent Company for being rude to her. Her other accusations about both of us include that we called her predictions "eerie" and "spooky" and that we are responsible for the downfall of society. You can see the details in our trackbacked post above.

Just thought you'd like to know that all of the world's ills are your fault (and ours)!

I have just read your comments. Interesting, considering you are now arm chairing the entire Elizabeth Smart investigation two years after the fact. Where were you during this time when it was going on? What did you do? what position did you take? Or do you just come along well after the fact and point out all the faults that people make that actually get out and try. For you to use me in your cheap little e-mail here is amazing, considering you know nothing of me, or what I've done and accomplished. If you would ever like to compare accomplishments please feel free to get ahold of me. Obviously you must be a much better investigator than me, so finding out my e-mail address, or phone number wouldn't be a problem for someone as good as you. I'll look forward to your contact. WHo else would you like to blast that at least had the guts to try; who puts it out on the line. Unlike you! Perhaps your next attack can be what everyone else did wrong back during Biblical times. Maybe you could point out where Moses was wrong. Tell ya what if you ever do something worth talking about, and take the lead on anything, then we can talk. Until then stop trying to make a living off of other peoples good and honest efforts. Besides your trying to make a buck...everything everyone else did was for free. That just shows what kind of slim you really are.

And this rant justifies PsiTech’s claim to be able to “remote view”, how exactly?

RE: Greg Chase

Where were you during this time when it was going on? What did you do?

I don't recall where I was during the whole thing, but I do know one thing I did to help the investigation: I stayed out of the way, where undoubtedly countless psychics wasted police time and resources by phoning in their useless tips. Last time I checked, psychic powers have NEVER helped a police investigation, but they have hindered some.

what position did you take? Or do you just come along well after the fact and point out all the faults that people make that actually get out and try.

I take the position that people using a useless technique shouldn't get in the way of police, who are supposed to be into, you know, evidence. I also take the position that people shouldn't extort the time, money, blood, sweat, and tears of the families of these victims by giving them false hope.

...considering you know nothing of me, or what I've done and accomplished.

Please educate us. Provide documentation of what you've done.

If you would ever like to compare accomplishments please feel free to get ahold of me.

Our accomplishments are irrelevant to this argument, though over our time as skeptical posters, we may very well have convinced people not to waste their time and tears on con artists and delusional people.

Perhaps your next attack can be what everyone else did wrong back during Biblical times.

Been there, done that. A crime in the past is still a crime, and people should be discouraged from making identical mistakes.

Until then stop trying to make a living off of other peoples good and honest efforts.

They aren't all good and honest: Psychics are delusional and/or con artists who waste time, money, and manpower that could be better spent solving these crimes.

Besides your trying to make a buck...everything everyone else did was for free. That just shows what kind of slim you really are.

I post for free, and if I get a website of my own, I'll be operating it at a very small loss, namely the price of maintaining the domain name. Many psychics, however, do charge for their unproven talents, and those who don't are still wasting the even more valuable resource of time, as well as playing with their victim's heart strings.

...Obviously you must be a much better investigator than me, so finding out my e-mail address, or phone number wouldn't be a problem ...

Ok Greg. I have a challenge for you. Finding my email and phone number is as easy as going to www.labeledmusic.com. You can email me at rockstarramblings AT yahoo.com, too.

Hey Jeff Lewis:

Quit calling my manager at home. I gave you my info in case you wanted to take part in my challenge. The challenge is over and no one won. I'm not Skeptico. If you want to email him, look over this way!


BTW - psychics are not bounty hunters

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