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June 17, 2005


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Concerning your "Zero Point" review: I think the author is right -- after a fashion -- when he says

"Only 10% of the human brain is utilized, and only 10% of the mass of the universe can be accounted for. Is it by chance that these percentages correlate so closely? Possibly not." (Page 62)

He's just wrong in the correlation he's hinting at. The values *are* correlated, because 10% is a nice round number that people like using when they make up Newage facts. "10% of the human brain is utilized" and "10% of the mass of the universe can be accounted for" are correlated simply because "10%" is an easy number to quote.

I’m sorry James but Braden is wrong all round.

First, the “only 10% of the human brain is utilized” is a complete myth - it’s just not true. See:

http://www.straightdope.com/classics/a3_028.html ">The Straight dope

http://www.brainconnection.com/topics/?main=fa/brain-myth ">Brain connection

http://faculty.washington.edu/chudler/tenper.html ">University of Washington

http://www.csicop.org/si/9903/ten-percent-myth.html ">CSICOP

The correct figure is 100%. The figure for the known mass of the universe is about 4% so Braden is wrong there too. So no correlation at all.

But even if they were correlated, Braden tries to make you think it is not “by chance”. He says “Is it by chance that these percentages correlate so closely? Possibly not”. This is his technique:

1)Invent a connection (that doesn’t exist)
2)Imply this invented connection is causal, with emphasis on the imply. He’s slippery and dishonest.

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