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June 18, 2005


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FYI: I think this TT business comes from the desire for nurses to be able to administer treatments independant of physicians (e.g. the whole Nursing Diagnosis model). An admission that TT was not based in science would paint nurses in an ill light and would undermine nursing's ability to devise and administer treatments w/o an MDs approval.

Good deal posting the e-mail addresses - we need more brazen confrontation like this. But the subject lines you have encoded for them (mentioning easy, million, and $, are highly likely to trigger spam traps. The gambit would be more effective with a re-written subject line!

I recently pointed out the same opportunity (to make a quick and easy $1 million) to some woo-woo guy from the Ramtha cult, after he had responded defensively to my skeptical post to their "What the Bleep" Web page.

Surprise, surprise: I was informed that JZ Knight, who allegedly "channels" the 35,000-year-old spirit of Ramtha (but doesn't look a day over 60! How does she do it?!), isn't in the channeling business for the money and wouldn't stoop to submit herself to a scientifically-verifiable test. As if that would somehow tarnish the integrity of her powers. When of course it would do the opposite.

Indeed, I would join the Ramtha club myself if scientifically valid tests demonstrated that she's not just a charlatan who is blowing smoke up the asses of all her followers. I ain't holding my breath that that will happen soon.

In the meantime, Randi's prize goes unclaimed ...

I was informed that JZ Knight, who allegedly "channels" the 35,000-year-old spirit of Ramtha isn't in the channeling business for the money and wouldn't stoop to submit herself to a scientifically-verifiable test.

What, do they not want to donate that money to the Katrina relief effort? Or to medical research? Or to starving children? And convince skeptics while doing so?

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