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July 25, 2005


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You thought you could get away from autism, didn't you???
This is from the instructions on how to make your own thought control helmet site linked to above. There's a case history page with this on it.
December, 2000
The woman’s son, age 8, starting wearing a #3 helmet. Previous to the helmet he was diagnosed as autistic, had reoccurring nightmares of what he said were monsters, and told his mother that aliens told him to obey them. He has not been taken while wearing the helmet and his doctors report that his autism has improved markedly. However, he reported that he was abducted on his way to or from school. He had several unexplained marks on his body and told his mother that he had surgery. A neurologist who examined the boy said he has an abnormal EEG.
It's obvious that they have discovered that alien abduction is the cause of autism, also called "ooops wrong planet syndrome".

Whaddaya doin dissin dat superior soviet tech, eh? Never seen a skoda? Or a Lada? You must at least know of the masterly Trabant, shurely?

Almost any Soviet car can outperform everything made by the 'tech-savvy' nips or you dammned yanks.

Seems like outeast is a little fuzzy on his pre-collapse East-block geography. Most of the car models he mentioned were not from the Soviet Union, but from other East-block countries.

about the water swirl, down a drain. It is quite easy to get it to reverse and go the other way, I studied this once when I had a job which meant I had to, several times a day, pour liquid, from a large beaker, into a bottle thru' a large funnel. It is quite ewasy to do it to the water in a bathtub, or sink, once set in one direction it will continue until you reverse it. People confuse it with the coriolis effect.

Russia and the Eastern bloc have built many fine computers. . .Of course, most of them are Spectrum clones with 1982 technology. But they're sturdy and easily expandable.

If you want this be a mind-control week at Skeptico, you could do worse than look at www.mindjustice.org . My favorite part is the 'Psychotronic Golgotha' section under 'Research and Strategies'. It's a bizarre, poorly-translated rant against "psycho-programming", "brain jailers" and "Baba Yagi". Not that it's wholly without merit - what chapter heading from conventional English could match "Towards a Backward Thinking In the Name of Stopping the Bio-robotizational Madness", or "The White House in a Psychotronic Dimension"?

Don't assume there aren't woo-woos in the government.

Mind Control and the Secret State


About the water swirling thing: It seems the Earth's equator runs NNW/SSE through my bathroom: My toilet goes counterclockwise, and my sink goes clockwise. Double-checked just now.

As of Dec. 2005 a hat with velostat worn by autistic children has improved their performance markedly. Michael Menkin is seeking more autistic children in the Seattle, Washington area to try the hat. Some of the autistic children who improved after wearing the hat with velostat for over three months are not related to UFOs or any alien phenomenon.

The researhc of Michael Menkin into alien abductions, with interview of several people with encounter experiences, was featured on KINGTV Evening News Program on November 16, 2005.

Michael Menkin will answer any legitmate questions about autistic children and the use of a hat with velostat at [email protected].

Thank you.

Michael Menkin

Are the studies controlled and double-blind? What are the criteria to measure improvement?

The Dec2000 case "study"...

"Previous to the helmet he was diagnosed as autistic, had reoccurring nightmares of what he said were monsters, and told his mother that aliens told him to obey them."

This sounds more like schizophrenia in childhood (highly rare indeed, but not impossible) than autism.

"He has not been taken while wearing the helmet and his doctors report that his autism has improved markedly."

Oh, so he's getting better at being autistic, is he? :-/

"However, he reported that he was abducted on his way to or from school."

Wearing a Menkin hat would make someone look so embarrassing that even the most hideous children's kidnapper wouldn't want to be seen snatching a kid wearing one, for fear of looking as much of a prick as the kid wearing it does!

"A neurologist who examined the boy said he has an abnormal EEG."

An EEG pattern more likely in schizophrenia, perhaps?

Michael Menkin said: "The researhc of Michael Menkin into alien abductions, with interview of several people with encounter experiences, was featured on KINGTV Evening News Program on November 16, 2005."

I checked the King5 archives, and there is no mention of that report (I have an account there). They do keep an archive of stories up to 6 months. I also often watch the noon news. You did not appear in any search.

At first I thought that it was a joke account, but I check www.crank.net, and your site is listed as "crankiest".

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