… or at least a testimonial. From Orac I learn today that regarding my autism posts, Skeptico is one of
the top three "skeptical bloggers" on the issue
… the other two being Orac and Autism Diva. I’m honored.
Seriously, read Orac today expose the logical fallacies and complete lack of meaningful content in this piece by Karl Bode. Also, read a piece just about me (be sure to read the comments).
Edited to add:
If you click on the “just about me” link above to see Karl’s post about me, and if you read the comments to that post, you should know that Karl has edited virtually all of his comments where he replies to me, to try to make his posts look slightly less stupid than they were originally. Click on the comments below to see an example of what I am talking about. So far I don’t think he has edited any of my comments, but who knows what he will do in the future. He has now closed his post to comments.
Of course, this is very intellectually dishonest and a definite no-no on internet boards. It is the sign of a frightened immature poster who realizes he has made a fool of himself and has no answer but to change history by altering the actual posts that I did, in fact, reply to.
A dollar says the wordsoup jackass removes our comments within the day...
Posted by: Rockstar | July 26, 2005 at 10:13 AM
Wow, he didn't take them down, just tried to come back with witty repartee! If by "witty" you really mean "shitty". But that was pretty damn funny stuff. Wonder if he even realized what you were doing until you shoved it in his face?
Posted by: Rockstar | July 26, 2005 at 02:41 PM
Sometimes it hurts my head to read through Karl's brand of stupidity.
Posted by: Tom | July 26, 2005 at 05:00 PM
Karl's also changed his post. For example, after his bragging about the size of his penis, he added some explanation that it was "just sarcasm," no doubt in response to the ridicule he received. He's also added a parenthetical softening of his highly offensive "unique snowflake personality" crack about Autism Diva. The way I quoted it in my post is the way it appeared last night.
Posted by: Orac | July 26, 2005 at 08:39 PM
He also edited his last but one comment to me to add about 80% of what you see there now. His original comment was about two sentences; from memory, he wrote:
I replied with:
But his comment now reads:
Very intellectually dishonest. And now he appears to have closed those two posts to comments. What’s up Karly – feeling you’ve made an idiot of yourself and need to cover your tracks? (Yes.)
Posted by: Skeptico | July 26, 2005 at 09:39 PM
Boy sure does like the f bomb.
I know I'm supposed to stick to facts and all that, but when I see the type of people tends to support the thimerosal theories (other than the parents of autistic kids), it kind of seals the deal for me.
The guy's a kook.
Posted by: paul | July 27, 2005 at 06:40 AM
You'll be amused to know that he has since replaced his old musings with crappy poetry/song lyrics now.
Posted by: Rockstar Ryan | November 28, 2005 at 09:31 AM