For another unlikely-to-work product see this amazing device that by treating ordinary tap water may be the cure for cancer:
Fifty years ago the hydrogen bond angle in water was 108° and you rarely heard of anyone with cancer. Today, it's only 104° and, as a result, cancer is an epidemic!! By using our machine you can increase the bond angle to 114° and, unlike any other water, doctors can see an immediate change in the red blood cells under a microscope! It's truly amazing!!
Yes, it is truly amazing that they could print such nonsense. In reality:
The size and shape of the H2O molecule is governed entirely by the balance of forces between the ten nuclear charges and the ten electrons in the molecule. There is no evidence for the changes claimed.
(My bold.)
Still, why spoil a good story with scientific facts, when there is so much water cluster quackery to go round. And unverifiable and highly unlikely anecdotes such as these from Facts About H2O:
Herman has grown 18 foot corn, gigantic vegetables etc. and one major university, after turning a well pump off and pouring this amazing water down a well (pump off 4 hrs.) was AMAZED to find BACTERIA had gone from SKY HIGH to ZERO!
He grew a university?! Wow, that must be some special brand of bullshit he’s using there. And all by treating tap water with a device that merely:
…employs a 1500-watt heating element which boils water and then recondenses it, producing what is in effect distilled water.
The manufacturer and promoters of this device embellish the above mundane facts with variety of statements that are scientifically absurd and would likely be considered laughable by anyone who has recently passed a high-school chemistry course. Unfortunately, this group excludes most of the potential buyers of this device, who are not equipped to critically examine these claims and are thus more likely to be taken in by them.
To the tune of $1,500. Or $1,700 for one “with levels 15 times higher”.
Hat tip to Wildcat at the JREF Forum.
› Man, wastes $1,500 on useless device
this a suggestion. check out the case of the reincarnation of marilyn monroe/sherrie lea laird, very recentely presented to the public. i surely would like to read your shark wit point of view! ;)
Posted by: leo | August 31, 2005 at 03:57 AM
This is bad! You start messing with the distance between hydrogen molcules and the next thing you know tritium and deuterium get too cozy and WHAMO! Pons and Fleischman can tell you that.
Posted by: defensin | August 31, 2005 at 10:46 AM
"Man reversed problem in one week"
Do they have to speak in medicalese?
Posted by: Tanooki Joe | August 31, 2005 at 09:10 PM
If changing the bond angle in water from 108 degrees to 104 degrees has increased the incidence of cancer these past fifty years, then it has also done at least two other things (at least in the Western world):
[1] Greatly decreased the incidence of cardiac disease
[2] Greatly extended lifespans
Also, since we should assume that the bond angle changes throughout the world at the same time, why hasn't the incidence of cancer increased in places like Ethiopia, Somalia and Bangladesh? Or does their lower per-capita income alter the bond angle?
Perhaps this is the great secret! It is money that has altered the hydrogen bond angle! And by decreasing the amount of money you have, these devices can return the bond angle to a lower-income level.
It can certainly do that - the reduce your monetary asset level part.
Posted by: Prometheus | September 05, 2005 at 10:43 PM