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December 08, 2005


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Well argued.

Yeah, although I agree with my fellow atheists in principle, in this case there's got to be a better target to go after. I don't need this dragged back up the next time someone wants to argue about how immoral my lack of religion is.

I agree 100%. I don't find this objectionable, as long as the family of an officer can choose not to have a cross.

More agreement over here.

If, however, they had put up a cross for a non-Christian officer, you'd be hearing me object. Quite loudly.

As it stands, my only objection is that a 12-foot cross is a bit too gaudy for my tastes.

Ideally, I'd prefer all graveyards to be non-government. Not sure about how feasable that would be, though.

Just a quibble, Skeptico. Not all of the headstones at Arlington have crosses - quite a few of them have the Star of David. Other religious symbols are also in evidence, although less common. The Armed Forces are very careful about matching the symbol on the headstone with the service member's recorded religious preference (it's on the dog tag).

Other than that, I'd have to agree - this may be a technical violation of the Establishment clause, but it isn't a worthy target and is likely to cause more harm to the cause of religious freedom (which includes the freedom to have no religion).

As tempting as it is to go after every case where religious symbology or practices are supported or promoted by government, we do have to pick our battles. Eventually, even the religious majority in the US will come to realize when they are being offensive, just as (most) people have learned not to use demeaning or offensive terms when referring to other minorities. Or, so I hope.


try and take down these crosses and i'llput the fear of god in you oh god i said god what was i thinking "idiots"

Methinks grant didn't read anything except the title and the pictures.

And, of course, that whole "fear of god" thing is the barbaric tactic known as "argumentum ad bacculum."

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