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January 06, 2006


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Not quite an accurate description of the ruling (as I explain in my blog) but thanks for the heads up.

The previous comment directs readers to a blog where there are some inaccuracies: 1) Federal Court has no jurisdiction over any of the co-defendants, and all have now been dismissed. 2)Only two defendants were former members of Gentle Wind; other defendants had posted the ex-members' stories on their websites. 3) This important decision on RICO, and earlier on Lanham, another Federal claim, was by Senior District Judge Carter, not by a Magistrate Judge. 4)Full answers to all the charges have been filed; there have been months of discovery, etc. 5) GWP's initial lawsuit was filed in May 2004; thus this is not an early step in the lawsuit. For a history of what has actually taken place, and an appreciation of the importance of this ruling, please go to Wind of Changes website, http://www.windofchanges.org, and view the actual documents and facts.

Thanks for the additional details beyond the posted pleading.

A significantly revised post at my site now reviews the other pleadings and goes over what happened in this little bit of confusion.

I know I should I know better, but I still want a magic plastic card to solve all my life's troubles.

Maybe you should go by Staples and pick up one of those Easy Buttons.

It looks like Plastic Cards and "healing" Pucks might still be a topic of conversation for a while. Gentle Wind's Tubby and Moe Miller et al have re-filed their lawsuit, minus the dismissed Federal claims, in Maine state court, after getting completely removed from Federal Court on 1-3-06. The state charges are defamation, etc. Our Counterclaims will be filed too.

Meanwhile, the Berkman Center for Internet & Society announced their participation in assisting us with the Federal RICO defense, following Judge Carter's ruling:


"In an important victory for free expression on the Internet, the Berkman Center Clinical Program in Cyberlaw recently helped to persuade a federal district court in Maine to throw out a racketeering and defamation lawsuit brought by a "spiritual-healing" group against former members of the group...."

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