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January 02, 2006


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Nice review.

Regarding Sylvia's final quote: "You must have a miserable life", I would have responded "You mean you don't know? I thought you were supposed to be psychic!"

My favorite dumb comment was from Sylvia: "You can't prove air"

Larry's show likely paid for Syl's airplane ride, all that unprovable air holding the plane up. And as soon as she was on the ground, she lit up, let her diaphragm drop and all that unprovable air rushed in, pulling her chosen smoke into her spotty lungs. This is the woman who likes to warn James Randi about his health.

Sylvia thinks a clot is a bleed and insists bilirubin is an enzyme:

BROWNE: Oh yes it is.

FARHA: It is a degradation product of human hemoglobin.

BROWNE: Oh yes it is, yes it is.

And when Farha points out the danger of her pretend medical yammering, she basically calls him a pathetic miserable hateful SOB. Psychic Psylvia's psticks and pstones.

FARHA: She is disseminating inaccurate information.

BROWNE: I'm sure that he hates (inaudible) too, because apparently he hates everybody.
....What a miserable life you must have.

Um, yes, Sylvia. I *would* like the names and addresses and telephone numbers of those 300 doctors. And I'll call up each and every one of 'em, too.

> BROWNE: You can't prove air.

I'm thinking you can. My experiment would require three woo-woos and a very large bell jar.

Oh, that's a good idea. We might need to run some independant replications of that experimental protocol. Just a few hundred.

RETARDED CHARLATAN: "You can't prove air"
Then whats all that hot stuff you keep blowing out your mouth?
Welcome to the New Dark Ages people.

RETARDED CHARLATAN: "You can't prove air"
Then whats all that hot stuff you keep blowing out your mouth?
Welcome to the New Dark Ages people.

Wow, lots of things to say. I will only add that these people (the psychics) are probably not morons. They know that what they're doing is bunk and must rationalize away their errors/misses, etc. Try justifying garbage and see how you do ;)

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