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January 18, 2006


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So, we can't make fun of celebrities anymore? What's next? Is it going to be illegal for me to make fun of the government? Because I just heard about this one really idio-ert+y76B+=====]

[The rest of this post was garbled, citizen. Please go about your business.]

So if everyone makes fun of Scientology and Tom Cruise, can he sue us all? I mean, he's rich, but not THAT rich. Plus, if he's that close to being absolutely insane, perhaps we can push him over the edge. I'd like to see him snap one day on E! and just go ape-shit. Well worth a couple days blogging effort.
Keep up the great work!

Great work? These guys?

Yup. South Park really is great work. I love the no-frills animation style. I love the political subtext that makes it into a lot of episodes, especially when they can show you the reverse side of a political issue.

It's also funny when they say naughty words.

>> "I'd like to see him snap one day...."

Uh, where have you been the past 18 months?

I'd be surprised if they pulled the episode. At the end Parker and Stone -through Kyle (or Stan, I forget which) basically dare Scientology to sue them. I don't see why they'd be any more afraid of Tom.

Geez, can you tell I'm tired and speed read the post. Another few seconds of reading could have saved me the embarrasment of the above.

Funny that u declare Tom Cruise to be a "humorless pussy" for being sensitive about a tv programme that pokes fun at him and his faith.

What if South Park had a politically incorrect episode on Islam? Wonder if they would be sued then?

If Tom Cruise is a pussy then what does that make you for being glad that Ayah Pin's kampung was destroyed by the government? http://skeptico.blogs.com/skeptico/2005/08/muslims_safe_ag.html

Perhaps you're an even bigger pussy?

Funny that u declare Tom Cruise to be a "humorless pussy" for being sensitive about a tv programme that pokes fun at him and his faith.

That is what it means, yes.

If Tom Cruise is a pussy then what does that make you for being glad that Ayah Pin's kampung was destroyed by the government?

That post was sarcastic.

-The Rev. Schmitt.


What makes you think I was glad that Ayah Pin's kampung was destroyed?

I hate Tom Cruise. What a self-important egomaniac! And I hate when pussies like Comedy Central bow down to a couple humorless morons, just because they can't take a joke. That was a great episode, dammit! South Park is a voice of outrage and subversion that is sorely needed in this increasingly 'PC' environment. It should be illegal for mentally insane people like Cruise to sue anyone for anything, nor should he be allowed to procreate, but that is just my opinion. Once again, the rich get to do what they want and walk all over our freedom of speech. Grow a brain, Tom Cruise! You de-evolved spreader of misinformation!

Cases like this is why Jesus and Xenu combined their efforts and created bittorrent. Seed on!

It's interesting that South Park would make fun of Scientology, considering Isaac Hayes, the voice of Chef, is a strong scientologist himself.

Just watched the episode, and it's hilarious.
Tom Cruise is such a joke, south park could never defame someone who has obviously already done the job to themselves.
Pretentious little prick that he is.

Tom...Methinks you protest too much.

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