Comedy Central were supposed to be showing the infamous South Park Scientology episode last week but pulled it at the last minute. As I wrote before, the episode has not shown in the UK and it is rumored Tom Cruise used his influence to keep it off the air both there and apparently now in the US too. His representatives have denied this.
As well as pulling the Scientology episode, Comedy Central also pulled the “bleeding statue” episode because that was offensive to Catholics. I guess we shouldn’t expect to see any more episodes involving Muhammad!
Anyway, via The Uncredible Hallq I found a site where you can view the Scientology episode online. It was pretty good, although in my opinion it concentrated too much on the Tom Cruise gay rumors, and not enough on Scientology. Worth seeing though, if you haven’t already.
Also I learn of Andrew Sullivan’s campaign to protest the censorship the South Park cartoons. For example you can Email the parent company Viacom and make your feelings known. Also you can use this page to register a protest.
Sullivan is taking it a step further:
Finally, make sure you don't go see Paramount's "Mission Impossible: 3," Cruise's upcoming movie. I know you weren't going to see it anyway. But now any money you spend on this movie is a blow against freedom of speech. Boycott it. Tell your friends to boycott it.
Pretty funny – I wasn’t going to see it anyway. Not sure if I would boycott a movie as a protest, but it’s an option if you want to. I do encourage everyone write protest emails to them though. The TV companies should be encouraged not to self-censor, especially when it comes to offending the religious, and protest emails can’t hurt.