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May 23, 2006


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This is an appeal to emotion fallacy – trying to play victim by comparing themselves to the victims of apartheid. Pathetic.

Subtype: Appeal to Pity

Terry Cullen: "It's very frustrating that senior responsible people dismiss complementary medicine for the sole reason that it doesn't have the definitive scientific proof that other drugs have."

It must be equally frustrating that people dismiss Time Cube Guy because of his pesky lack of evidence.

Meanwhile Prince Charles should stick to farming using astrology where he can do less damage.

Uh, I'm not sure that's such a good idea.

"It's very frustrating that senior responsible people dismiss complementary medicine for the sole reason that it doesn't have the definitive scientific proof that other drugs have."

Well, we *can* we dismiss it, I ask you!

Terry Cullen: "It's very frustrating that senior responsible people dismiss complementary medicine for the sole reason that it doesn't have the definitive scientific proof that other drugs have."

Well, you wouldn't dismiss it if there were scientific evidence to prove its efficacy, would you. So Mr C is saying there are no grounds whatsoever on which to dismiss "complementary" medicine, even though there is definitive proof that most "complementary" medicine is completely useless garbage.
Let's face it, homeopathy and its altmed family are a scams perpetrated on wishful thinkers and those in desperation. And the charlatans who operate these scams want to be subsidised by the tax payer. This is the biggest scam of all

The plural of anecdote is not data

Spot on, Skeptico.

Many of your readers may not be aware that Health Service funding is a hot political issue in Britian right now - we have Hospital Trusts running out of money all over the place (including in my home town). That made the intervention of these doctors all the more timely and welcome - the scandal of public money being wasted on homoeopathy had a real chance of becoming a topical subject of political debate.

It is incredibly fustrating when such a golden opportunity is knocked on the head by Prince Big Ears. He *is* news simply because of he is who he is, and our media over here always give more-than-equal weight to whatever he says.

Unbelieveably, the BBC's main news bulletin last night led on his preposterous speech, instead of concentrating on the real issue as accurately identified by high-powered group of experts.



Thanks for that piece of info. It’s sad that the BBC should lead with Brian’s dumb speech, but then it is well known that BBC science reporting is quackery.

Prince Chuck is just trying to get back to the good old days, when whatever he said would have become fact just because he's the Prince. Moreover, he could have annoying people like the doctors group and, well, you, beheaded for daring to disagree.

It seems to be a family trait. I was told many years ago the Prince Albert could have been saved, if he had been given proper treatment, however, Victoria was advised by an homeopath, and so he died.

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