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May 09, 2006


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You might also enjoy Australia's Greatest Only Really Truly Psychic Medium Clairvoyant Anthony Grzelka, who's absolutely amazing performance (ie absolutely dismal) I've analysed at http://thesecondsight.blogspot.com/2006/03/talking-to-dead.html

Ask a lot of questions. Get most things wrong. Confirmed proof of conversations with the deceased.

You might also enjoy Australia's Greatest Only Really Truly Psychic Medium Clairvoyant Anthony Grzelka, who's absolutely amazing performance (ie absolutely dismal) I've analysed at http://thesecondsight.blogspot.com/2006/03/talking-to-dead.html

Ask a lot of questions. Get most things wrong. Confirmed proof of conversations with the deceased.

Too funny and too true, this:

CALLER: I'm even more nervous now.

Thanks -- a very entertaining read.

Speaking of psychics on Larry King, he'd had Sylvia Browne a few days before Edwards' performance on 9/10/01.

I know this mainly because you'd think she might have been able to predict a fairly large event that was going to happen in New York a couple of days later. But no, not a word. That was the day she accepted Randi's challenge, though. No action on that, either.


You're right - Sept 3rd.

I also just noticed the transcript for Edward on Sept 10 2001 does appear to be there (contrary to what I wrote above). I hadn't looked for a while - they must have updated it. Perhaps I'll take a look at these two transcripts next.

What is it about dead people that makes them get so damn cryptic when they're trying to communicate?

Surely if the dead mother meant 'August', she'd simply say 'August', not '8'?

I suppose, with them being dead, their brain power may have been adversely affected...

Is John a real medium?

"No." -PixyMisa

Sarah, after that analysis you have to ask?

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