Yes it’s possible. My opinion of Allison Dubois just got even lower. Read The Two Percent Company’s piece today on Allison – they have a story there from someone who had the misfortune of actually knowing Allison. See how Allison manipulated the story of this woman’s sister’s death to her own ends. Allison has no class and no shame.
More Skeptico on Allison Dubois:
Medium guesses about serial killer
Allison Dubois no help in catching killer
A walking, camera-strutting, fake-ghost-talking joke
The Two Percent Company on Allison Dubois
Allison DuBois - Even More of a Hypocrite Than Previously Thought
Dubois came through northern California recently and gave an interview to the Sacramento Bee. The result was a completely lame and credulous puff piece. She could have written it herself. (And maybe she did! Who knows how much material the writer cribbed directly from Allison's press kit?)
Some people wrote complaints to the newspaper and others contacted the public editor. The public editor basically said "Who cares? It's entertainment and entertainment doesn't have to be true." Gag!
You can find links to the original Bee article, the complaints, and the public editor response here at a blog dedicated to keeping an eye on the Bee.
Posted by: Zeno | July 26, 2006 at 10:58 PM
I'm almost sorry I'm an atheist. I wish there were a special corner of Hell reserved just for callous, self-serving, hard-nosed frauds like Alison.
Posted by: Big Al | July 27, 2006 at 01:16 AM
I think it would be interesting if when Allison Dubois is doing her publicity stint on the morning shows, is to have Karen and/or Kris show up and confront Dubois on the actual facts on their late sister.
But then... I think it would turn into a Jerry Springer type of event.
Posted by: HCN | July 28, 2006 at 12:21 AM