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August 29, 2006


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I really can't agree with you this time, Skeptico. I don't think this is in the same league as proselytising everyone else - the lady felt offended by certain language and asked someone to stop.

OK, I'm 100% atheist, and I relish the odd bit of verbal sparring with a crusading religious nut who's trying to convert me. However, I don't feel this woman has done anything like that.

Sorry, Skep, but I think you're railing a bit here.

Still, I like the story. Surely "Oh my God" is not very strong language. Does she think "Oh my Lord" or "Oh, Lawsy!" would be acceptable?


Those people need to be taught to have a little respect for other people, and to leave others alone when they are not harming anyone. It is high time for the religious to realize that there is nothing great and special about their particular brand of superstition, and that there is nor obligation for anyone else to buy it.

If she was polite in demeanor (despite the inherent impolite nature of her actions), I don't see the reason for the ban.

She did deserve any witty remarks and silly looks she got, though.

Well, the other lady felt offended by certain attitude and asked her to stop.

Now we can seat and wait for those angry believers whining because they are "repressed" for being Christians.

Wow...sounds like much ado about nothing. Definitely she said, she said kinda thing. Still, as the phrase is quite common, the lady in question really needs to learn to just accept that not everyone believes as she does and choose her battles wisely.

I agree with your point, although I don't use the phrase myself. I'm just always amused when people get so up-in-arms about something so stupid. The reaction of the woman is based on her religious practice. She shouldn't impose it on other people, so okay. The overreaction of the airline staff in response seems even goofier. What is the big deal? And what about "the customer is always right?" Couldn't they just show the woman to her seat pay attention to the real issue which is the kid who got hurt?

Additional quibble: Saying "Oh my God!" in shock or surprise... or other things isn't related to "taking the Lord's name in vain." That particular offense is moot in America, now that contracts aren't based on swearing to deities.

Of course, they're free to still call that phrase blasphemous. Just like they did with polyester blends and shellfish.

Being so easily offended is definitely a weakness. Talk about being left open to manipulation. (See: Mohammed charicatures.)

I get the feeling that there's more to this story than we're hearing.

Interesting to note that the lady is more interested in a common expresson of concern than showing concern of the event itself: the injured child.

RE: religious nuts
Which Man Is Not A Religious Nut?

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