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SUbtle. I like the second one best (with viewer responses), although it's so subtle it's hard to tell it's parody until you get to the "orignal Bible or translation" question. The answer - "The real one. Enlgish only." Heh.
That is just too funny! Of course those with errrrr...."less than critical thinking skills" might not realize it's a parody! Thanx for passing that on.
Well, it's a possibility that he didn't actually receive those comments, but mined them from actual atheist arguments made elsewhere (and then reworked them to look like comments sent to him). I actually made the "Disprove that I created the universe" argument and a comment about "What if I wrote my own book saying I did it? Would my claim suddenly become true?" on my blog not long ago. I can't figure out when the video was made, however, so I can't say if this was before or after I'd posted that.
SUbtle. I like the second one best (with viewer responses), although it's so subtle it's hard to tell it's parody until you get to the "orignal Bible or translation" question. The answer - "The real one. Enlgish only." Heh.
Posted by: mouse | February 14, 2007 at 12:45 PM
That is just too funny! Of course those with errrrr...."less than critical thinking skills" might not realize it's a parody! Thanx for passing that on.
Posted by: emkay | February 14, 2007 at 02:16 PM
However it's far too subtle. Certain irony-impaired people won't get it. You watch, some dumbass will use this to prop up the fairy tale.
Posted by: John Marley | February 14, 2007 at 05:06 PM
Landoverbaptist used to have that problem. At one point they were so subtle that there were fundie links to them periodically. Good times.
Posted by: mouse | February 14, 2007 at 11:56 PM
Anybody watch "Part 2"? Cripe...I want to believe that people didn't actually send him those comments, but I just can't.
Posted by: AF | February 15, 2007 at 11:45 PM
Well, it's a possibility that he didn't actually receive those comments, but mined them from actual atheist arguments made elsewhere (and then reworked them to look like comments sent to him). I actually made the "Disprove that I created the universe" argument and a comment about "What if I wrote my own book saying I did it? Would my claim suddenly become true?" on my blog not long ago. I can't figure out when the video was made, however, so I can't say if this was before or after I'd posted that.
Posted by: Infophile | February 18, 2007 at 12:46 PM