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March 19, 2007


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I really don't know why people continue to look into this sort of thing.

Prayer can't work, almost by definition.

I blogged about this, once.

So what you're saying is, asking a supernatural being to help me, isn't going to work...?

I will pray for Paul.

I loved Christopher Hitchens' observation in the "blasphemy debate" about the efficacy of prayer. After all, he points out, millions of English people pray "God Save The Queen" every DAY. With such a massive blast of prayer you'd expect the royal family would be doing better than they are. :)

After all, he points out, millions of English people pray "God Save The Queen" every DAY.

Cue drunken river cruise, riots and headlines in papers the next day.

Is it just me, or is the first tune that anyone else hears in their head when they hear this phrase is the Sex Pistols' tune of the same name?

It's not you. The Pistols completely re-purposed that song eternally. More power to 'em!

So scared of death arent ya!

What does that even mean?

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