Via Pharyngula I learn of some more drivel from Deepak Chopra. He’s whining about skeptics and materialists again. It’s the same old rubbish:
Skeptics have a rigid mind-set, skeptics suppress new ideas, science is a religion, materialism is false, science isn’t the only way of knowing, science can’t understand spiritualism, yadda yadda…
I was going to deconstruct it paragraph by paragraph, but it all started to look a little familiar, and then I remembered how I wrote Is Deepak Chopra a negative or a positive for science and humanity? in Sept 2005, and responded to More Chopra drivel in January 2006. Click the links – I think I covered his lame arguments then, so I think I’ll save my time now.
Well, if Chopra can recycle his drivel I don’t see why I can’t recycle my debunking of it.
Refreshing re-reads.
As tedious as it might be to go over the same woo ground, it serves a firm purpose. It keeps many of us sharp (like cont education in medicine) and offers those new to critical thought a path away from the mind numbing madness...
Posted by: wanderingprimate | June 28, 2007 at 03:31 PM
Douchepak is such a jackhole. I can't even read his shit anymore without getting annoyed and sad. Today I chose not to read it so the sadness would stay at arm's length.
Nicely done, as always!
Posted by: BigHeathenMike | July 08, 2007 at 02:49 PM