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July 20, 2007


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Lack of an abundance of "good" studies might be understandable if we are talking about a relatively new treatment or therapy.

But in this case lack of good data is almost synonymous with evidence of ineffectiveness. In all this time if meditation worked surely there would be good evidence for it.

Look at it this way. If you had one of these dangerous conditions that meditation is suppose to treat wouldn't you prefer to spend your time and resources on treatments with strong evidence for effectiveness?


Pat, I'm curious as to which dangerous health conditions meditation is supposed to treat. According to who? Most people who meditate don't do so because they expect to be cured of an illness, but rather because they enjoy the activity itself.

So if meditation isn't proven to provide any health benefits, I don't think it's fair to say that meditation doesn't work, as most meditators don't expect there to be health benefits.

Just because a small number of people have claimed there to be extraordinary health benefits which might not exist, doesn't we should discredit the practice completely.

cheers, benjamin

Lack of an abundance of "good" studies might be understandable if we are talking about a relatively new treatment or therapy.

Although the "age" of the phenomena in question does have some influence on the quantity of the available data, i think the complexity of the phenomena you want to test is much more important regarding the quality of the experiment.

But in this case lack of good data is almost synonymous with evidence of ineffectiveness. In all this time if meditation worked surely there would be good evidence for it.

Exactly what is the connection between poorly conducted experiments and evidence of ineffectiveness?

Look at it this way. If you had one of these dangerous conditions that meditation is suppose to treat wouldn't you prefer to spend your time and resources on treatments with strong evidence for effectiveness?

Is this some kind of poll? In any case, it is of no use to this discussion of the effectiveness of meditation.

Ilchi Lee has a fantastic reputation due to what he teaches and how he uses his mind. Ilchi Lee was driven at youth to ask deep inner questions about his existence, which is a question that we all bring up sometimes. Ilchi Lee is also a master of Teak Kwon Do and spent 21 days alone meditating. Meditate is to reflect deeply on a subject. Meditate to think to intently and at length as for spiritual purposes. This is similar to what many of us do. How many times have you been sitting around bored, just staring into nothing. You are meditating. Ilchi Lee also traveled across the USA and stumbled across a city to start teaching his ideas. This wonderful and beautiful city was Sedona, Arizona. Finally, Ilchi Lee

Book of Joshua: Isaac went out to meditate in the field.
Hebrew word; talk to himself. To devise, imagine.
Greek word; what people do to make sure they can teach


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