From unscrewing the inscrutable I learn of the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences’ craven capitulation to the demands of the religious thugs of the Catholic League. This is what got them so mad – comedian Kathy Griffin’s Emmy acceptance speech:
A lot of people come up here and thank Jesus for this award. I want you to know that no one had less to do with this award than Jesus. Can you believe this shit? Hell has frozen over. Suck it, Jesus. This award is my God now.
You just know what came next. The Catholic League’s president Bill Donohue:
The Academy of Television Arts & Sciences reacted responsibly to our criticism of Kathy Griffin’s verbal assault on 85 percent of the U.S. population. The ball is now in Griffin’s court. The self-described ‘complete militant atheist’ needs to make a swift and unequivocal apology to Christians. If she does, she will get this issue behind her. If she does not, she will be remembered as a foul-mouthed bigot for the rest of her life.
Griffin “needs” to make an apology? She “needs” to? Really? Er, no she doesn’t. Not at all. She doesn’t “need” to do anything. You need her to, Donohue. That’s what you really meant. You “need” it, not her, not any atheists. You need it because your silly fairy tale beliefs are so pathetic, vacuous and delicate they can’t stand three critical words from a comedian. In the above paragraph we see the religious mind in its natural state, demanding obsequiousness, respect, censorship and fearful apology, and they demand all this without a hint of embarrassment or self-awareness. This poor downtrodden 85% of the population (his figure) are too fearful to allow the American TV viewing public to hear three words critical of their invisible sky fairy, and they’re prepared and actually proud that they managed to get Griffin’s acceptance speech on TV censored.
Remember this the next time someone criticizes Richard Dawkins for being “shrill” or whatever. Remember the Catholic League thinks things will be OK just as long as we atheists show respect for these arrogant morons and their delusional beliefs, and as long as we remember what we “need” to do to keep them from censoring our words and thoughts. Just don’t get too uppity. From this we get a glimpse of what the Catholic League would really like to be able to do if they got the chance.
Send any emails of support to Griffin’s Agent. Email the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences and tell them what a bunch of cowards they are.
But most of all, Suck It Donohue. Yes, and Suck It Jesus.
I take issue with the idea that anyone "needs" to apologize about anything. The whole point of an apology is that it's supposed to be heartfelt and sincere; when it's compulsory, it's neither. If you want to demonstrate that you feel remorse for your actions or that you have actually undergone some serious change, then you may decide you "need" to apologize, but no one else can make that decision for you.
Excellent post, Skeptico, and from a different angle than most would take. Indeed, Donohue's faith can't withstand attacks, even ones as silly and content-empty as Griffin's.
Although I think it's "Kathy."
Posted by: Tom Foss | September 12, 2007 at 11:36 PM
You're right, it is Kathy. Changed it now. Thanks - somehow I thought it looked wrong when I wrote it.
Posted by: Skeptico | September 13, 2007 at 06:44 AM
Jesus told me he thought it was funny.
Posted by: parrotslave | September 13, 2007 at 08:15 AM
It's interesting how, historically and philosophically speaking, Catholicism and Fascism make such ideal bedfellows. Both are schools of intolerance, intransigence and absolutism. And with a history of bigotry and violence.
And it matters fuck all that 85% of Americans believe in the Judeo-Christian god. They are still deluded. When push comes to shove many of them are so insecure they would probably kill for it, which puts them on the same level as some of their Middle East Islamic counterparts. None of which is to say there aren't nice, humane religious people. There are. But they're still deluded.
Posted by: pv | September 13, 2007 at 01:18 PM
Hello Skeptico
I liked the post all the way down until the last sentence where you have a go at, ehh, Jesus.
While disagreement can make people think over stuff, i feel disrespect can often have the opposite effect. I suspect this blog (probably because the remaining 95% of all skeptic-blog writers are morons) has more than an average share of "fence-sitting" readers, and i think your usual lack of nonsense like this makes it more tolerable reading for this group.
Keep up the good work.
Posted by: Martin | September 13, 2007 at 02:59 PM
Dear Martin,
Clearly, you have not drilled through to the true comedy behind the statement, "suck it, Jesus!" You see, it's funny because it's just like saying, "suck it, Sauron," or, "suck it, Voldemort!" It's funny because insulting imaginary people is pointless, and Kathy knows it. When she says, "suck it, Jesus," she is poking fun at herself, not any religious believers.
It's just like those YouTube videos for the 'Blasphemy Challenge' in which the Holy Ghost deniers shout out, "see you in Hell!" HA, HA, HA,-no they won't.
Posted by: Paul | September 13, 2007 at 07:46 PM
I think she tell Donohue to suck it as well!
Posted by: American Scot | September 14, 2007 at 09:36 AM