Via the Bad Astronomer I read this absurd post from a blogger called Vox who seems to think that dark matter and dark energy are outside the scope of science which means that secular societies are “arguably insane”. Of course, Vox’s argument is unarguably retarded. He’s saying that because we don’t know exactly what dark matter and dark energy are, they’re outside the realm of science. But that’s obviously false: it’s only through science that we even know that dark matter and dark energy exist. There is nothing in the bible about the universe being 72.1% dark energy and 23.3% dark matter. Nor does it say on which day God created them. They don’t exist, according to the nomadic goat herders who wrote the bibble. Furthermore, if we are ever to understand dark matter and dark energy, that will only happen through the process of science, not by assuming it’s too complex and so Goddidit. Vox's silly argument is just another lame Science Doesn't Know Everything appeal.
I did post a comment on Saturday, asking the assembled loons who support the blog’s author, what other method they would use to try to understand dark matter and dark energy. Unsurprisingly they had no reply.
Oh, Vox Day. This is the same clown who, in his "very serious" attack on atheists, quote-minded Darwin in the epigraph to his first chapter. So he's about on the level of Luskin, except he spews his stupidity in more directions.
Posted by: Evil Bender | March 10, 2008 at 08:25 AM
Clearly "Vox Day's" scientific ignorance is a compelling reason why his career as a science fiction writer (under his real name of Theodore Beale) hasn't exactly taken off.
Here is Vox Day's brilliant solution for mideast peace, from his column at (you guessed it) WorldNutDaily:
The Israeli government must announce to the world a unilateral ceasefire, balanced by the deadly promise that for every Israeli soldier killed, 25 Palestinian police will die. For every civilian, 100 non-combatant Palestinian adults will be slain, and for every child, 1000 adults... In a fallen world, violence does solve some problems, and at times extreme violence is required.
This must be some of that "Christian Love™" I keep hearing about!
Posted by: Martin Wagner | March 10, 2008 at 06:14 PM
Seems to me that this is religion in a nutshell: people explaining things they don't understand by dismissing them and/or making stuff up.
Posted by: Darrell | March 10, 2008 at 07:05 PM