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April 28, 2008


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What a bunch of asshats. It just kills me that they don't understand the irony of the situation. It's like they're Alanis and everyone's laughing at how wrong her song "Ironic" is, but she thinks the attention is because she's just a fab songwriter.

But then she figures it out and deletes the song.

On the Myspace page, there is a field to type in below large text that reads

LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD (Add your comments here)

But in order to add a comment, you must be a Myspace friend of Expelled. Just wanted to let that be known in anticipation of the inevitable ad populi. I can't leave a negative comment without being considered a "friend". I wouldn't use the word "friend" to describe my relationship with Ben Stein or Mark Mathers.

Well I'll admit, it did take a lot longer for the memory hole to swallow that than I thought it would..

Of course incompetence, even in their need to silence dissent, is one of their strong suits.

The Bad Astronomy page http://www.badastronomy.com/ has an image of the poll when there were 417,049 no votes to 870 yes votes.

"But in order to add a comment, you must be a Myspace friend of Expelled."

Since counting numbers of friends is far more important to the producer's bragging efforts than caring what anyone, even real friends, have to say, you're probably right to avoid it if you don't want to fluff their egos any further.

I finally got to see the film late last week, and gave it a once over here.

These creationsts crack me up! They never seem to get tired of constantly embarrassing themselves!

"They make a film about how dissent is not allowed, and yet they’re the first ones to censor anything that dissents from their little fairy story world view."
Heh - see also nutritionists and homeopaths. Absolute jokers.

homygosh--I've never heard the term 'asshats' before...I actually am laughing out loud! bwahaha

Yea, too bad you can't comment without being a friend...though the account owner can edit comments either way.

I haven't seen the movie and don't really want to. This would be a case, however, where I would suggest turning to the darkside and asking an evil pirate robot fairy to magically send a digital copy to your computer if you want to watch it. The non-evil alternative is to not watch it. In the name of all that is Picardly don't give these people your money!


And PZ, you self-deluded insignificant NUTCASE...



the *MODEL* of mental health:


"Look at the ANGLE OF THE KEY....see that, see that...."

what an idiot this Randi is.....a REAL CRITICAL THINKER....



to see how we stopped James Randi's fraudulent MILLION DOLLAR PARANORMAL challenge.....

watch carefully the consequences of Randi's *idea*.....

For over 40 years James Randi Zwigert (is this even a REAL NAME?) has had total control over who and how the testing was conducted, yet despite all this he has terminated the challenge.

The ONLY REASON why the challenge was stopped is because he lost and refused to pay.

Apparently, Randi likes to break the rules when it serves him:

"14. This prize will continue to be offered until it is awarded. Upon the death of James Randi, the administration of the prize will pass into other hands, and it is intended that it continue in force. "

Great force.....it's over......


PS: Almost Forgot: Love the IRONY of the *BULLSHIT* sign over Randi's ugly head....


And PZ, you self-deluded insignificant NUTCASE...



the *MODEL* of mental health:


"Look at the ANGLE OF THE KEY....see that, see that...."

what an idiot this Randi is.....a REAL CRITICAL THINKER....



to see how we stopped James Randi's fraudulent MILLION DOLLAR PARANORMAL challenge.....

watch carefully the consequences of Randi's *idea*.....

For over 40 years James Randi Zwigert (is this even a REAL NAME?) has had total control over who and how the testing was conducted, yet despite all this he has terminated the challenge.

The ONLY REASON why the challenge was stopped is because he lost and refused to pay.

Apparently, Randi likes to break the rules when it serves him:

"14. This prize will continue to be offered until it is awarded. Upon the death of James Randi, the administration of the prize will pass into other hands, and it is intended that it continue in force. "

Great force.....it's over......


PS: Almost Forgot: Love the IRONY of the *BULLSHIT* sign over Randi's ugly head....

davidmabus, is that a legal substance you abuse? Not that it makes any difference.
Just curious!

I was wondering when this nut would show up here. Skeptico, my recommendation is to follow the lead of everyone else in the blogosphere and ban him; he has no interest in dialogue, he's just going to copy-paste his insane screed repeatedly, adding more cursing and threats to the top each time.

Thanks Tom, I'd heard of this guy and have already had a spate of emails from him.

To davidmabus:

I'll let your posts above stand, but your free ride ends there. If you post any more of this it will be deleted.

To everyone else - please don't feed the troll. It's just that your replies will look silly whith the original post deleted.

Hey, David, I've been meaning to ask you, where can I get some of the stuff you're on?


James Randi Zwigert (is this even a REAL NAME?)

Presuambly you feel that someone not using their REAL NAME is a problem? Perhaps you think it makes them a fraud? Or a lying asshat? Or a complete spanner? A deluded tool?

By the way David Mabus, what is your REAL NAME?

The ONLY REASON why the challenge was stopped is because he lost and refused to pay.


PS: Almost Forgot: Love the IRONY of the *BULLSHIT* sign over Randi's ugly head....

Somehow, I doubt you even grasp what IRONY is. Stop listening to Alanis Morrisette.

Doh. Sorry Skeptico, cross posted and missed your request.

I'll put the peanuts away now.

I think Expelled Exposed should produce their own documentary and release it on DVD as a companion to Expelled in order to clear up myths. It's not fair that these guys get free reign to promote nonsense without critique.

Hey Skeptico. This lunatic Mabus trolled us over at The Atheist Experience, too. I think he's just gone on some recent trolling rampage for some reason. Like people are saying, maybe he's off his meds. He's definitely BPD, at the very least.

Off topic post deleted.

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