Larry King’s site again says that there will be psychics on tonight:
Some see dead people, others have a sixth sense! Wait until you see what they can do! Plus, John Edward and Char Margolis. It's gonna be a great show. They're predicting it!
… unless there are unforeseen circumstances. Like the last time these psychics predicted the same thing but were bumped for a story about some boy scouts who they didn’t predict would be killed.
Anyway, if they do appear (6.00 pm US Pacific time), we might be able to play Psychic Bingo. Print out the cards at the link. Descriptions of the squares, and the techniques these cold readers use, also at the link
July 3rd - Edited to add:
Well I missed the show, but according to the transcript the "psychic" show was bumped for the story about the hostages who just escaped from the jungle in Colombia - ANOTHER STORY THE PSYCHICS DIDN'T PREDICT! Sheesh - I'm beginning to think these psychics can't predict anything.
What about the psychics who do not ask any questions? You are talking about only one type of so called psychic. I have seen some show in New Zealand with these guys who work with the police. They certainly dont fit into this Bingo theory. Just curious what peoples thoughts are on these people. I have watched these people describe a murder just by looking at a house. Theories?
Posted by: Dan | July 02, 2008 at 09:15 PM
Don't believe everything you see on TV.
There is no "Bingo Theory". Its a game that is used to show how tired and worn out certain claims are. For example I wrote a downloadable one for creationism/intelligent design (based partly off of Skeptico's ID bingo (soon there will be more subjects).
You are right in a way, The Psychic Bingo presented by Skeptico is mostly concerned with these TV types who claim they can see dead people, see the future, etc. They generally interact with the public, and this bingo card mostly deals with their tripe.
The only difference between these dorks and the ones who do 'work' for police and families is the audience is not public. Otherwise its exactly the same garbage.
If I were a cop, I would make a bingo game specifically for these so-called psychic's and bring it along with us as they bumble around.
They claim responsibility for a tiny amount of hits and ignore the vast amounts of misses. And the hits are explained other ways.
here is a good synopsis of it
They basically cold read the officers.
TV only shows the 'good parts' so you aren't going to see the plodding boring repetitive misses. You aren't going to see the cold reading in action, or even if no cold reading, then the bestowing of information to the psychic.
TV only shows the 'looking around and finding things' parts, not parts where they are told all the information that the cops have. They don't show the huge majority of misses. They don't show how the psychic basically find what the cops already know (strange how that is), and only what the cops already know.
Psychic are totally safe to make up whatever they want. When they include information that the cops don't already know, its something that they can't know and can't prove happened. So its safe to say it. For example, "the burglar cut himself shaving that day!". Cuts heal, how would anyone ever verify that statement?
A typical piece of nonsense is this guy in South Africa. he doesnt claim to be psychic, he claims he has a psychic machine. Its the same thing.
The fact that police actually bother to use these people, even as a last resort, should worry you, not amaze you.
Luckily, at least in the US, its a minority.
Posted by: techskeptic | July 03, 2008 at 05:39 AM
Watch out for the hedged bet. If done right you can reinterpret post facto that they were psychic, since the vague wording allows for multiple interpretations of plausible outcomes, and then can in hindsight say "see? he was correct." Unfortunately the hint was so vague as to be useless in predicting. Imagination supplies the rest.
Clever use of psychology, observation can also create the illusion of psychic abilities. If you're clever enough you can fox most people. Most likely a con-man.
Posted by: jazzencat | July 03, 2008 at 02:41 PM
Thanks for the responses. I have to agree that the big missing factor here is all the stuff you dont see. Australia is about to get some new series about psychics so im looking forward to viewing this with your comments in mind. Ta
Posted by: Dan | July 03, 2008 at 03:27 PM
Guys here is that show i mentioned. Thought you might be interested. Richard Saunders, vice-president of the Australian Skeptics is on the show.
Posted by: Dan | July 06, 2008 at 04:05 PM
Though Larry King keeps falling through, I managed to catch Van Praagh on -- ugh -- The View this morning. BINGO within the first reading.
Posted by: JohnnyPotamus | July 08, 2008 at 08:51 AM
Yes, Australia now has a show about self-proclaimed psychics. It is, of course, drivel. Loosely based on the "reality" TV "vote them off" format, it supposedly applies an open-minded approach in the search for Australia's most-gifted psychic. Any pretense of open-mindedness is blown right there - they aren't seeing IF the contestants are psychic, they already accept that they are and they're simply looking for the best of them. Pfffttt!
Richard Saunders looks completely out of place surrounded by a studio full of believers. But I did get to play a little Psychic Bingo so thanks Skeptico for that!
A couple of Australian blogs (like have some video up so until Larry King comes good for you guys in the US, you can "entertain" yourselves with some Aussie nonsense.
This show has been the impetus for me to start my own skeptical blog so if you've nothing better to do (shameless plug coming) drop in and read my breakdown of "The One: The search for Australia's most gifted psychic".
Posted by: AndyD | July 10, 2008 at 09:08 AM