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December 13, 2008


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It looked interesting, but the white-on-black screws up my eyes so much I had to give it up. I'll have to see if I can figure some way of changing that or getting the information another way (maybe print it out).

It's an excellent article.

Badger, you can easily copy and paste it to wordpad or which ever word processing program you use (left click, hold & drag down till the whole text is highlighted; right click & copy; open word processing program and paste.)

His article on http://techskeptic.blogspot.com/2008/12/fmri-doesnt-do-what-you-think-it-does.html>MRI is also first class.


I've had a number of complaints form people who can not read the text on my blog. I've used that tempalte for 3 years now, its time to change. Change is good.

Is this one better for you?

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