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January 24, 2009


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What better chance could a psychic have to prove his power? The mother fooled police who would have been initially concerned with consoling her, but her "energy field" (were she equipped such an item)would have been scrambled to the max and putting out disturbance waves like a nuclear power station's alarm signal.

If he was half way sensitive even to normal phenomena he would have had a good chance of noticing something weird about her behaviour, given his personal access and freedom to say what ever he thought.

There could be no more clear-cut case that this guy is a fraud if it had been designed experimentally! How is it even legal for these phonies to practice and take up valuable police time???

No doubt Mr Power (real name?) will trot out the old psychic chestnut that the subject has to be willing to be identified.

that the subject has to be willing to be identified

LOL, then isnt it useless even if it did work?

BTW, skeptico, I see two links for Sense about Science over in the science section of your blog roll.

Wrong guesses are discarded, and are forgotten by the credulous media.

I really think this is the key, those who want to believe simply ignore anything else. Even random chance gets things right sometimes and if you ignore all but the right ones you can convince yourself of a lot of things. The real crime is when it hurts others.

i thnk you are all full of shit if you dont believe then thats up to you some of us do and we are quite happy continuing to do so, you have no evidence that he is a fake and all you ever bang on about is police investigations you never talk about all the accurate readings he dose for members of the public, who contact him by the way he dosnt go knocking on their doors so just go and boil your heads you boring nut jobs

Say hello to The Period.


I think you're full of shit. If you do believe then that is up to you, some of us don't and we are quite happy continuing to not do so. You have no evidence that he is not a fake, and all you ever bang on about is readings he did for members of the public who contacted him. You never talk about cold reading. You never talk about warm reading. You never talk about hot reading. You never talk about selective thinking, wishful thinking, cognitive bias, cognitive dissonance, coincidence, the drawbacks of anecdotal evidence, poor memory recall, confirmation bias, the Forer effect, hindsight bias, selection bias, self-deception, shoe-horning, shot-gunning, subjective validation. You never talk about the inaccurate or flat out wrong readings - do you think he never, ever makes mistakes? Then why don't you hear about them? Why might someone hide their mistakes? Go boil your head you boring nut job.

A perfect psychic reading can help you to grow closer to your spiritual destiny. You can live and study step by step. You can gain more knowledge about yourself through another person’s psychic reading of your life.

Free Psychic,

You forgot to add the music and the lyrics.

A perfect psychic reading can help you to grow closer to your spiritual destiny. You can live and study step by step. You can gain more knowledge about yourself through another person’s psychic reading of your life.

1) What is a perfect reading as opposed to a flawed one? How is one to know the difference? What if there were some unscrupulous person who didn't really have super-psychic reading powers, but just pretended to? How am I to tell?

2) If a destiny is an inevitable fate, doesn't every single thing you do or don't do lead towards it? If I don't get a perfect psychic reading, am I thwarting my destiny? How can I thwart my destiny?

pretty sure that free psychic is a bot. Big al, do you also talk to your TV?


Sorry, TechSkeptic, but I've talked to a lot of apparently breathing, typing persons whose utterances were pretty indistinguishable from those of bots.

So I'm not convinced that's a fair assumption.

On the other hand, I've never known one of those breathing, typing persons actually answer serious questions any more than I would expect a bot to.

So it's a moot point anyway.

A bot? Ah jeez, I thought I was getting somewhere with her.

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