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October 08, 2009


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Oh, and you were mean enough to add a "no follow" to his carefully worded link text. Is it any wonder he's ignoring you now?

You should make your own badge that says you were a nominee, kind of like how Academy Award(tm) winners get billed before Academy Award(tm) nominees.

Speaking of astrology, here is a recent exchange between two people I know:

1: "Damn, it's good to see investments rising again. That's the first movement to a growing economy."

2: "I wonder if Jupiter stationing has anything to do with that...it is the planet of work, success, investments, acquired wealth...He goes direct the 12th..."

1: "They have been increasing for the past six to nine months. So I doubt it."

2: "They have?... huh. I guess you can see how much attention I've been paying..."

Can't be bothered to pay attention to the real world, but knows the apparent position of Jupiter in the sky.

Hope you get your badge!

What the fuck is going on with that Sunlight Foundation website? Half the links are 404'd, but if you click on certain links it takes you to a sight with an identical look and feel, and the same psychic themed pictures, but all of the topics refer to dentistry.

Are you being Poe'd, Skeptico?

My guess would be that they stole the layout from fluoridationcenter.org (the site that appears in the copyright notice on the pages that mention dentistry) and are gradually filling it in with their own content.

Seems like they simply spammed a ton of sites that ranked high for keywords related to astrology. They were merely looking for back-links and weren't paying any attention to the actual content of the site. I wouldn't be surprised if this was done through automated means. Also, there is no reason to ask someone if they can post a link to your site other than to let them know, and hope that they'll give you a link back. It's really just an annoying ploy to increase search engine rankings.

All in all, the whole thing is very humorous, I would be sent into a fit of giggling if I ever had something similar happen to me. "we at sumxtian.org recognize your expertise in the field of biblical research. We've reviewed your site and think it's super-awesome. We want to link to you but really just want you to link to us so we can get more recognition in the search engines."

"A top resource in astrology" needs to go on your masthead.

I've certainly seen a lot more useful and exhaustive analyses of astrology here than on many other so-called "expert" blogs.

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